Affiliate clubs

Riga Flight School works with two clubs where our students can rent airplanes and continue there aviation journey after they have completed their primary programs. In Riga, our affiliate club is Mint Aviation Club - running in EVRS airport offering aircraft rental cervices on a Grumman AA5 aircraft.

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In the United States we work with Odyssey Aero Club located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Our students can become members of the club and after completing one of our FAA Programs, Camps, or simply an FAA Conversion to gain hours, can schedule one of the clubs wonderful DA-40 aircraft and take trips across the united states. There is no need for additional insurance or training, simply come to North Carolina, schedule the plane for a few days and take a trip. Our students are always welcome at the club and local instructors can give a refresher or a checkout if needed.

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To see what taking a cross country trip in the USA is all about, follow our instructor and his friend (CFII in Odyssey) on their 2022 trip from coast to coast. Follow their 12 leg, 14 day denature here.