
Riga Flight School has a dynamic and experienced team of instructors working both in Riga and in our US affiliate location.

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The Chief of Training in our Riga facility is a vastly experienced pilot with well over 15000 hours logged on various aircraft, from military jets, agricultural legends like An 2 and through modern airliners and business jets. For the past 15 years our chief has been teaching youngsters to fly in several local flight schools.

Our instructor team includes local young and vibrant pilots vastly experienced in teaching, who are mostly general aviation pilots, living the life of flying small aircraft, thus proficient in the nuances of cross country planning and GA in general.

Some instructors have hundreds of hours flying cross country flights in europe and in the united states, with students and not, running camps and doing long multi-day aviation trips.

Our team knows how to transfer this real life knowledge and experience and share the wonder of life in aviation.

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